Leagues & Clubs
Information for leagues and clubs in Northamptonshire
We're a football rich county
There are currently over 1300 affiliated clubs making up the membership of Northamptonshire County FA, each of whom are involved in regular league football. In addition, there are also hundreds of other teams registered at several FA affiliated small sided football centres across the county.
Irrespective of whether you are setting up a club for the first time or if you require guidance and assistance in developing your club, Northamptonshire County FA staff members are here to help.
This section of our website will list what leagues are currently registered with the County FA, whilst explaining all you need to know about managing a grassroots football club - both on and off the pitch.
Debbie Preston
Football Development Officer
E-Mail: debbie.preston@northantsfa.com
Telephone: 01604 678408
The FA's Respect programme provides a series of tools for leagues, clubs, coaches, players and parents from grassroots to elite football - to help ensure a safe, positive environment in which to play the game.