
Futsal Referee Course - Cash Back Offer

Northamptonshire FA, with support from the For Futsal Fund, is pleased to offer £70 cash back on completion of a Futsal Referee Course this September. 

Taking place on Saturday 1 September at Crown Hills Community College in Leicester, LE5 5FT, from 9am–5pm, the course costs £70 and the cash back offer is available for this course only.

Who is eligible to apply for one of cash back places?

• Football referees currently registered with Northamptonshire FA (2018/19 season)
• Northamptonshire football referees whose registration has lapsed within the last two seasons
• Individuals who have played Futsal within Northamptonshire

How do I apply for one of cash back places?

Write an email to stuart.smith@northantsfa.com and luke.scott@northantsfa.com stating your FA Number (FAN) and the reasons why you want to become a Futsal referee (no more than 150 words).

The deadline for applications is midnight on Wednesday 15 August 2018

A limited number of places are available. The 150-word personal statement will be used to determine which candidate(s) are chosen.

Futsal referees can expect to earn £10 per hour after successfully completing the course, with Northamptonshire FA operating adult and youth leagues in Kettering and Northampton.

After attending the initial training course in Leicester, candidates will be supported to complete the remainder of the course requirements in Northamptonshire.

More information on the cash back scheme is available HERE

Please contact the following individuals for more information on this project:

Futsal in Northamptonshire – stuart.smith@northantsfa.com

Refereeing in Northamptonshire – luke.scott@northantsfa.com

The Futsal referee course in Leicester – megan.selby@leicestershirefa.com

Futsal Referee