
Join the Asian Football Forum

We're seeking members for our Asian Football Forum to help address the barriers that prevent members of our Asian community participating in football.

Working alongside the Northamptonshire FA Inclusion Advisory group, the forum will be a place for the voice of our Asian communities to be heard.

We want to hear their experiences, ideas and knowledge around Asian groups and communities to ensure their comments and thoughts are reflected in any future work and projects.

The Forum members will be encouraged to share their own experiences from within the game, with opportunities to discuss potential barriers that may prevent engagement from the Asian community. The Forum will also aim to develop formats that would make football more attractive and easily accessible to Asian groups.

Dal Darroch speaking at an eventThe meeting will be informal as we all work together to chat around Asian Football in general. This will be a very relaxed group where everyone will feel comfortable to contribute about their experiences, and a chance to let us know what you love about the game and what would make it better for you.

Details for the first meeting are:

Monday 21st February 7.00pm

Sixfields Stadium, Northampton NN5 5QA

The views and feedback from the Forum members will be used to help create and support quality football sessions within Asian communities, while continuing to promote diversity through all football to ensure everyone can enjoy the game. 

Northamptonshire FA Football Development Officer Debbie Preston said:

"The Forum will be the perfect opportunity to engage with the strong Asian communities that exist within the county.

"Whilst we continue to work with all community groups, we identified the need to gain extra support in our work to reach out to Asian groups.

"The forum will give us the local knowledge and personal experiences of Asians currently within the game, enabling us to concentrate our efforts in the right areas."

Anyone who would like to attend please contact or call 01604 670741 to reserve your place.