3G pitch

North Northamptonshire Playing Pitch Strategy

North Northamptonshire Playing Pitch Strategy

Have your say on sports facilities in North Northamptonshire

FMG Consulting Ltd are working with North Northamptonshire Council and Northamptonshire FA to develop a new Playing Pitch Strategy for the area. This is a supply and demand analysis that assesses the quality and quantity of outdoor sports facilities locally, such as grass pitches, 3G pitches and ancillary facilities like changing rooms and clubhouses. This exercise will help to safeguard existing sites and identify where any new or improved provision is required.
Gaining the views of grassroots football clubs regarding the facilities that they use, and any issues they encounter, forms a really important part of this work. 

Please could the Chair and/or Secretary of Clubs in North Northamptonshire spare 10-15 minutes to complete the club survey at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NNC_PPS_Stakeholder_Survey. You will also need to complete and upload the attached template.


The survey closes for responses on Friday 24 November. If you have any queries, please contact oliverhitchcox@fmgconsulting.co.uk or stuart.smith@northamptonshirefa.com