Disability football

Find Your Local Club


Please find below a full list of clubs in the county that currently provide opportunities for disabled people to play football:

Club  Contact  Email 
Northampton Town FC Russell Lewis  r.lewis@ntfc.co.uk 
Kettering FC  Simon Aston  simon.aston3@ntlworld.com 
Kettering Town FC  David Dent  ketteringtown1@hotmail.co.uk 
Netherton United FC  Clara Nicholls  nicholls17.cn.cn.cn@gmail.com 
Peterborough United FC Deaf  Andy Palmer  andyp@cambsdeaf.org 
Peterborough United FC Amputee  Gary Marheineke  gary.marheineke@huntsfa.com 
Northamptonshire Powerchair  Kim Mander  kim.mander@aol.co.uk 
Brackley Athletic FC  Victoria Sillett  drvlln80@gmail.com

For further information on any of the clubs above, either contact them directly or get in touch with Northants FA info@northantsfa.com




Recreational & Disability Football Development Officer

(E) Info@northantsfa.com